
10:54pm Today was a bad day. To make things worse, it was now raining. The gentle patter of the rain against the car windshield quickly transitioned into a gush of water droplets and wind. I hated the rain. My ex used to love the rain. He used to say it was peaceful. I don’t know … More Raindrops


I can’t sleep. I hesitated to use the word insomniac at first, but as the sleepless nights become more and more common I feel like I had to diagnose myself. I never used to be this way, I always used to come home and crash. In college I was the one going to bed early … More Insomniac

Do You Love Me?

The first time a boy told me he loved me we were in 7th grade. He was my first boyfriend, and I had asked my best friend to ask his best friend if he liked me. Turns out he did. In 7th grade. dating was nothing more than sitting together in the cafeteria and holding … More Do You Love Me?


Do you ever think of a leaf falling from a tree? There has to be a point in time where the leaf starts to lose it’s grasp on the branch and is slowly hanging there, waiting until it has to fall. Do you think it knows of its inevitable fate? As it’s trying to hang … More Boys


His eyes fluttered open and light poured down on him. He squinted and moved his left hand in front of his eye. Why is it so bright? Suddenly his stomach dropped and for a second he thought he was staring at the sun out the window. His heart rate began to increase as he shoved … More Frostbite

Things I hate

I only hated three things in my life. The first was apple pie. Something about warm, soft apples seemed wrong. Even the smell made me gag. That was probably why thanksgiving was my least favorite holiday. I liked spending time with my family and all that, but then they would inevitably pull out the apple … More Things I hate


My eyelids felt extremely heavy as I tried to open them. My head was spinning as I finally pushed my way back into consciousness. I lifted my head up and blinked a few times so my eyes could get used to the light. My vision was blurry, but I tried to look around and figure … More Veins